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Prayers for California

Fire montage

Hello California, 

What is happening out there is terrible. First and foremost, I would like to tell you that you are in our thoughts and daily prayers. May God watch over you!

It may be easy to lose faith at trying times like this! Few have experienced this sort of devastation, loss, and sense of hopelessness.

We here at FIRELOCK entered the field of Fire Vault Design back in 1981 and the very first thing we had to do was build a vault for a U.S. Testing Laboratory to try to destroy with fire. We invested $42,000.00 in a small vault only to give the vault to the Engineers who put it in a furnace and fire-tested it. Our engineering marvel was tested with 2,000º F hot furnace environments.

WE SURVIVED! Then the engineers said, “It survived 4 hours, can we keep testing it?” And they ran the furnace above 2,000º F for another hour. Then they tried to destroy it with high-pressure fire hoses. AND WE SURVIVED. The interior temperatures did not exceed the temperature that would destroy paper, rare documents, paintings, and priceless artifacts.

To watch the engineers try to destroy our vault gave us an understanding of watching fire destroy something you designed and all your priceless possessions. I don’t know how you can lose your home—all that is dear to you! I hope you can survive this terror.

We will keep praying. In 2nd Timothy 4:7, it says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

You all in California have been tested and you have shown bravery and courage under the hardest conditions. God bless you.